Chemical Weapons Training

HiddingenTestCenter offers training with live agents and chemical weapons. Over the last 20 years, specialists and first responders have been trained for numerous works ranging from analytical activities to the handling of chemical munitions for recovery and destruction processes.

Live Agents Training (LAT)

Live agents training at HiddingenTestCenter by CoreCBRN for Dubai Police, Hotzone and Kuwait National Guard. May and July 2022.


Indoor Training

Practical training for detection & analysis, handling of Chemical Warfare Agents (CWAs), munitions and destruction of Chemical Warfare Materials (CWMs).


Outdoor Training

Outdoor training incl. sampling, field measurements, real-life scenarios and decontamination of personnel and vehicles.



Chemical Weapons Research and Teaching

Teaching about CWAs, chemistry, toxicology, detection, analysis, decontamination and destruction.




Training in CWM destruction plant

Cooperation with the German governmental Chemical Warfare Material (CWM) destruction facility GEKA (GEKA mbh – Gesellschaft zur Entsorgung chemischer Kampfstoffe und Rüstungsaltlasten mbh) for training of CWM handling and destruction processes.